
Showing posts from March, 2019

European nations

The idiots doing this log and lumber trafficking are unaware it has a wood boring beetle in it. This is haole bullshit, locals wouldn be participating in this. I have seen a couple of haole guys in Hilo hauling ohia logs in a trailer. Christmas Crackers are a big thing in England and several other European nations. Not so much here in the State. That may be in part due to the availability of the cracker snaps. Cheap Jerseys china Poor people can actually afford to live in New York, I'd call that a success. There would be virtually zero poor people living in Manhattan if not for rent stabilization. Your point about advantaging people already living in cities is true, and it can definitely screw those who are trying to move to cities for new economic opportunities.. Cheap Jerseys china Cheap Jerseys china Airshows and air races are required to follow the safety rules and regulations put out by the Federal Aviation Administration for such events. The Reno Air Race met or exceeded a...